About Suxrob Qodirov

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So far Suxrob Qodirov has created 79 blog entries.

Xalqaro qishloq xo’jaligi universiteti quyidagi ixtisosliklar bo‘yicha 2025-yil uchun tayanch doktorantura va doktoranturaga qabul e’lon qiladi

📣📣 DIQQAT E'LON 📣📣🗣 Xalqaro qishloq xo'jaligi universiteti quyidagi ixtisosliklar [...]

By |2024-08-30T11:05:33+00:00August 30, 2024|News|0 Comments

Sаydullаevа Fotimа Jozilovnаning falsafa doktori (PhD) dissertatsiya ishi himoyasi to‘g’risida

Sаydullаevа Fotimа Jozilovnаning falsafa doktori (PhD) dissertatsiya ishi himoyasi to‘g’risida"Toshkent [...]

By |2024-08-12T16:51:40+00:00August 12, 2024|News|0 Comments

+32 Free Spots for Russian and Uzbek programs: additional opportunity to enroll in IAU with Grant-Based Education.

+32 Free Spots for Russian and Uzbek programs: additional opportunity [...]

By |2024-08-09T07:30:35+00:00August 9, 2024|News|0 Comments

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation has allocated 90 scholarship quotas to the International Agricultural University!

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation has allocated [...]

By |2024-08-09T07:21:45+00:00August 9, 2024|News|0 Comments

The International Agriculture University held a meeting between representatives from Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development.

The International Agriculture University held a meeting between representatives from [...]

By |2024-07-22T12:38:11+00:00July 22, 2024|News|0 Comments

The Rector of the International Agriculture University, Dr. Munira Aminova, spoke at the 9th Annual Conference of the “Silk Road Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance.” In her speech, she addressed the topic “Future Agricultural Education Talents, Skills, and Trends.”

The Rector of the International Agriculture University, Dr. Munira Aminova, [...]

By |2024-07-17T09:13:50+00:00July 16, 2024|News|0 Comments

International Scientific Conference: “Green Taxonomy for Sustainable Development: From Green Technologies to Green Economy”

International Scientific Conference: "Green Taxonomy for Sustainable Development: From Green [...]

By |2024-06-27T04:46:39+00:00June 24, 2024|News|0 Comments
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