IAU Newsletter

🌱IAU bestows the students a vibrant, lively and an energetic environment to groom and excel in their talents. The students at IAU are enthusiastic and creative in showcasing their talents.

🌱The International Agriculture University takes pride in promoting a forum for students to exhibit their dexterity in the public platform. Being the pioneers of the Future sustainable agriculture, the students realize that they need to hone their communication skills so that they may represent the country in various spheres.

🌱 Under the guidance of the zealous Professor, Dr. Emilda Josephine, the students explore their linguistic skills at Speaking and Writing. They concoct, design, author, prepare and share the proceedings at the University through the IAU Newsletter. This fosters their critical thinking, technical and managing skills. This squad of 14 members are attuned to present the world of IAU to the readers.

IAU Newsletter January
IAU Newsletter December
IAU Newsletter November
IAU Newsletter October
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