Council of ministers of the republic of Uzbekistan Higher Attestation Chairman Order December 21, 2022, No.721, Tashkent.
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 7, 2022 No. PK-237 “Measures on the organization of the International Agriculture University” in the presence of the International Agriculture University. The task on creation an scientific souncil to award academic degrees has been set.
1) International Agriculture University has Scientific Council for awarding academic degrees in the field. Scientific Council no. PhD.05/15.12.2022.1.155.01
2) According to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan № 07/34-9625 dated 21.12.2022, the list of Academic Council Members is attached.
The Members of Scientific Council

Shavkat Hasanov (Chairman)
Tashkent State Agrarian University Samarkand Branch Director, Doctor of Economics
Prof. Dr. Shavkat Hasanov is the director of the Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University. He obtained his PhD(2006) at the Samarkand Institute of Economics and Services and DSc(2017) Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers. Currently he is a member of DSc Scientific Council in TIIAME NTU. He has a long-time experience in international educational and research projects, as: Establishment of Regional Innovation centre in SamAI (South Korea, funded by NRF of Korea), 2014-2015; Enhancement of Uzbekistan Farmers’ income through applying modern apple growing technology, funded by JICA, Japan 2015-2018; AGRICHANGE-Institutional change in land and labour relations of Central Asia’s irrigated agriculture (Volkswagen Foundation, Germany, 2015-2018) etc. Has an experience in coordination of Erasmus-Mundus, Tempus and Erasmus+ educational projects. Dr. Shavkat Hasanov is conducting courses on micro-macroeconomics and agricultural economics. His research interests include agricultural and resource economics.
Munira Aminova (Deputy chairman)
Acting Rector of the International Agricultural University – Secretary of the Supervisory Board Dr. Munira Aminova is newly appointed Rector of International Agriculture University. She has a long-standing career as an academic. She worked in the European, UK and the US universities for the last 19 years. The last 14 years she lived in Belgium and worked at the Vrije Universiteit Belgium in different capacities. She was a Dean of a business school with 3 branches in Brussels, Luxembourg and Shanghai.Munira Aminova holds a PhD from Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Political Sciences (2011). She also holds an MBA in Public Service from University of Birmingham (UK). Beyond her academic career, she is a leading expert in entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as public administration, governance and civil service. She has also continuously advised a wide range of international organizations, such as the United Nations, UNDP, USAID, ZEF, IWMI and others. Since 2018 Munira Aminova has been working together with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in a capacity of Regional Consultant. Munira Aminova is also an expert evaluator for the EU projects Erasmus+ and Horizon2020.

Abdulla Primov (scientific secretary)
Dean for Research
Abdulla Primov is the head of the department of the International Agricultural University – UK accredited University based in Tashkent. He received his master’s degree in Business Economics at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. Additionally, and PhD in Agricultural Economics from the National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Institute “. He is conducting research at the joint project between the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies IAMO (Germany) and the International Agriculture University IAU (Uzbekistan), assessing the impact of crop diversification on farmers’ well-being. As part of his research, he is currently analyzing market prices, climate change and measures to increase food security in the case of Uzbekistan. Abdulla Primov won the Erasmus Mundus scholarship for full master’s degree program (MSc) students in 2014-2016.
Peter McCaffery
As Vice Chancellor, Professor McCaffery’s role is to provide guidance and leadership on all aspects of academic activity within the university.
Peter has over thirty-five years leadership, management, teaching and research experience across a range of institutions from Further Education Colleges to USA Ivy League University, including as Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive at the University of Cumbria and Deputy Vice Chancellor at London Metropolitan University. Awarded a PhD by the London School of Economics, he was an Idlewild Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania where he pioneered new modes of inquiry into political corruption in the American city. A Winston Churchill Fellow and a UUK nominee to the Cabinet Office Top Management Programme Peter has acted as a consultant for a variety of bodies including the British Council, the governments of Botswana and Jamaica and the Centre for HE, Germany.

Slawomir Wroblewski
International Agriculture University, vice-rector, Doctor of Economics, (Poland)
A politologist and journalist, expert in promotion and development of congresses and tourist industry. Holds a Ph.D in Economics. Currently in Uzbekistan. In 1997-1999 European Union expert, Business Tourism Brand Manager for Poland. Co-founder of the Polish Conference & Congress Association, its first president. Author of Directory of Conference Venues & Services (13 editions). Organiser of the Business Tourism Fair, Adrenalina Show, Economic Forum. Organiser of the European Academy of Meeting Organisers and Planners (12 editions). Co-creator of the Polish Congresses Ambassadors Programme. He also offers his consultancy to the hotel investors, especilly in the field of conference and congress projects, including market analysis and marketing plans. Specialties: Meeting Industry, Marketing, Business Communication, lntercultural Communications.
Neil Ravenscroft
As Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Neil is responsible for the development and implementation of degree programmes and the professional development of academic staff at the International Agriculture University.
Neil has nearly 40 years of experience in university education, predominantly in the UK, North America and China. Prior to joining IAU he was Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Royal Agricultural University and Executive Dean of the Joint Institute for Advanced Agri-Technology at Qingdao Agricultural University, China. Prior to this he was the Director of the University of Brighton Doctoral College and an elected executive member of the UK Council for Graduate Education. He has been an advisor to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the UK Government and has held research grants from a number of UK and EU Research Councils and Programmes. He holds a PhD in Land Economics from the University of Reading, UK, has published over 100 papers on land and environmental economics and has examined over 20 PhD theses, in the UK and internationally. His research interests lie in economic questions about the multiple relationships that people have with each other and with the natural and physical environment. At the core of this are questions about the extent to which economic concepts such as wealth, individual utility and exchange can adequately capture the complexities of such relationships. At the core of this are questions about how rights to exploit resources are allocated. Most research on the allocation of land and natural resources has concentrated on the governance of rights, in the belief that there is a causal relationship between robust governance systems and the protection of rights. However, Neil’s research has suggested that the opposite may be the case and that the exploitation of rights, and thus of people and the environment, is facilitated by the unequal power relations implicit in the operation of such governance systems. Examples of this exist all over the globe, whether in terms of the marketization of European and African commons, or the liberalisation of collective property regimes elsewhere.

Aram Aristakesyan
Dr. Prof. h.c Aram Aristakesyan is Head of the Department of International Continuing Education at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (HSWT). (Germany), Doctor of Economics
His academic title is Dr. of economics and he is an honorary professor of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University in Ukraine. He holds a university degree from the Armenian National Agricultural University as an agricultural economist and a master’s degree from Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences. Hi is also a research associate in the International Master of Agricultural Management (MAM) and International Master of Farm Management (MFM) team, responsible for supervising and managing project activities with MAM partner universities. His research interests include increasing production efficiency on farms in the context of determining optimal farm sizes in different regions of post-Soviet countries after land privatization. He teaches business informatics, production economics, project planning and evaluation, computer applications, and many other subjects.
Aziz Karimov
Professor of the International Agriculture University, Doctor of Economic Sciences (PhD)
Associate Professor and Principal Lecturer at IAU Dr. Aziz Karimov’s main expertise and research interests lie in agricultural and development economics, particularly in areas of agri-food systems, value chain analysis, impact assessment and sustainable use of agricultural resources. He is also keen to explore opportunities in managing programs/projects related to adaptation to climate change, rural development, natural resource management, food, water and energy nexus in marginal environments through research, innovation and partnership.

Frank Billingsley
Associate Professor of Business Administration
B.A. Ohio Dominican University; M.S. Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Boston University; Ph.D. Walden University. Program Director of the BA in Global Business and Entrepreneurship and the BA Preparatory Program, as well as an Assistant Professor in Business and Economics at the Brussels School of Governance. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Ohio Dominican University, a Master’s degree in Human Ecology from the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, a Masters in Management, with a concentration in Human Resource Management, from Boston University, and a Doctorate in Public Policy from Walden University. Prior he was the Director of Boston University’s International Graduate Program in Brussels. His research interests are in leadership, sustainable development, organizational behavior, and gender issues. His courses currently being taught are Leadership, Women and Leadership, Introduction to Business, Global Sustainability and Society, and International Business.
Nodir Djanibekov
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies IAMO, (Germany) economy doctor of sciences
Dr. Nodir Djanibekov joined IAMO in August 2012 as a researcher in the Department Agricultural Policy. He obtained his PhD at the Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany. Prior to joining IAMO, he was a researcher in the German-Uzbek development research project on the restructuring of land and water use in Uzbekistan. His main research interests include the issues of land-labor relations, evolution of (in)formal institutions in agriculture, collective action in resource use, agricultural organization and rural transformation in the post-Soviet Central Asian countries.

Nurmuhammad Yusupov
Professor of Economics at Woosong University Doctor of Science, (South Korea)
Nurmukhammad Yusupov is an Assistant Professor of Finance at SolBridge International School of Business. His research focuses on financial markets and institutions in developing economies. In addition to many years of university level teaching, he has extensive experience in consulting governmental agencies and international development organizations. Dr. Yusupov holds an MBA from University of Oregon, an MSc from Toulouse School of Economics and a Ph.D. from University of Nantes
Isroil Kholmirzaev
Head of the Executive Office of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In 1998, he successfully graduated from Andijan Agricultural University, until 2002 he was a graduate student of the Scientific Research University of Market Reforms of Uzbekistan, a researcher, department head, doctoral student, project manager of the Research Institute of Market Reforms of Uzbekistan (2003~2013). Since 2013, he has worked in various leadership positions in the Ministry of Agriculture. In 2004, he received the scientific degree of candidate of science, specializing in the economy of the agro-industrial complex, and in 2011, he received the title of senior researcher. Mechanisms for improving the normative-legal basis of the reform of the agrarian sector, development of farming activities, organizational and economic relations of agricultural entities have been developed and introduced.

Ikhtiyor Bobojonov
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies IAMO, (Germany), economy Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Dr. Ihtiyor Bobojonov joined IAMO in October 2012 as a research associate in the Department Agricultural Markets. He studied agricultural economics at the University of Bonn, Germany. He wrote his PhD thesis in the framework of a project of the Center for Development Research (ZEF) about modeling crop and water allocation under uncertainty in irrigated agriculture in Uzbekistan. He was honored with a prize for the best Doctoral Thesis between January 2007 and May 2009 at the ZEF. Dr. Bobojonov works on several projects related to the mobilization of agricultural market potentials in Commonwealth of Independent States countries. He mainly carries out research on the impact of supply chain transformation on the welfare of agricultural producers. Furthermore, he investigates the role of agricultural insurance in agricultural sector development, and analyzes possible options to improve the performance of insurance markets. He is coordinator of the International Agricultural Economics Chair at the Tashkent State Agrarian University and co-coordinator of the Insurance Lab at the Tashkent State Economic University.