Dinara Muzafarova
dinara.muzafarova@iau.uzDinara Muzafarova is an agricultural specialist and lecturer of the International Agricultural University – UK accredited University based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. She received her B.Sc in General Agriculture (2003) and M.Sc in Crop Science and Soil Husbandry (2005). PhD degree was received in Agricultural Sciences (2010) from Tashkent State Agrarian University. Dinara Muzafarova won Presidential State Scholarship for doctoral (PhD) students in Agricultural area in 2010. Dinara Muzafarova has around 15 years of the work experience in international scientific area. She previously served as an agricultural, climate change and pedagogic specialist for several scientific research projects with international organizations as the Rutgers University, (New-Jersey, USA), GIZ- German International Cooperation, ICARDA-CAC (Central Asia and Caucuses), the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece). Dinara Muzafarova published several articles related agriculture, plant protections system and wheat breeding. She has two patents of the Data bases. In contribution with specialists from ICARDA released the catalog of the wheat varieties of Uzbekistan. She always says: “The knowledge is a power!”
Scientific papers.
Shakhnoza, K., Sharma, R., Amanov, A., Ziyadullaev, Z., Amanov, O., Alikulov, S., Ziyaev, Z., Muzafarova, D. (2015) “Genotype × environment interaction and stability of grain yield and selected quality traits in winter wheat in Central Asia,” Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry: 39:6, https://doi.org/10.3906/tar-1501-24
Database patents.
– Muzafarova, D. Sh. (2007). The weeds of the turfgrass lawn. Certificate of the official registration database. State Patent Department of Uzbekistan. (7.12.2007, № BGU 00136)
– Muzafarova, D. Sh. (2006). Main types of the plants used for lawns. Certificate of the official registration database. The State Patent Department of Uzbekistan. (26.10.2006, № BGU 00114)
Muzafarova D. Sh. (2016). Catalog of the wheat varieties released in Uzbekistan, ICARDA-CAC, Uzbekistan. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766/11292