The entrance exam for the 2024-2025 academic year at the International Agriculture University
The entrance exam for the 2024-2025 academic year at the [...]
The entrance exam for the 2024-2025 academic year at the [...]
International Agriculture University has signed a memorandum of cooperation with [...]
International Agriculture University has signed a memorandum of cooperation with [...]
Admission to the International Agriculture University continues! 📣 On April [...]
Our Collegues are in Spain, in the project of ERASMUS [...]
Xalqaro qishloq xo‘jaligi universiteti huzuridagi Ilmiy kengashning birinchi qaldirg'och diplomi!!! [...]
Pardayev Xusniddin Abdimo‘minovichning falsafa doktori (PhD) dissertatsiya ishi muhokamasini to‘g’risida [...]
Xalqaro qishloq xo’jaligi universiteti tayanch doktorantura imtihoni Xalqaro qishloq xo'jaligi [...]
International Agriculture University (IAU) and Guangdong Ocean University (GDOU) Pave [...]
Sаydullаevа Fotimа Jozilovnаning falsafa doktori (PhD) dissertatsiya ishi muhokamasini to‘g’risida [...]