Abdulla Primov
abdulla.primov@iau.uzAbdulla Primov is the head of the department of the International Agricultural University – UK accredited University based in Tashkent. He received his master’s degree in Business Economics at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. Additionally, and PhD in Agricultural Economics from the National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers Institute “. He is conducting research at the joint project between the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies IAMO (Germany) and the International Agriculture University IAU (Uzbekistan), assessing the impact of crop diversification on farmers’ well-being. As part of his research, he is currently analyzing market prices, climate change and measures to increase food security in the case of Uzbekistan. Abdulla Primov won the Erasmus Mundus scholarship for full master’s degree program (MSc) students in 2014-2016.
Primov A., and Rustamova I., 2021. Crop Diversification Analysis at the Farm Level: Empirical Evidence from Different Regions of Uzbekistan. American Journal of Business, Economics and Management. Vol. 9, No. 1, 2021, pp. 9-14. http://www.openscienceonline.com/journal/archive2?journalId=709&paperId=5528 |