Supervisory Board

Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov
Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the Supervisory board
Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, Chairman of the Supervisory board of IAU, graduated from Tashkent State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan), receiving a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology. Scholarship holder of the ″Umid″ Foundation. In 2001, he graduated from the Texas A&M University (US) with a Master of Science degree in plant breeding, after which he returned to Uzbekistan to continue his scientific activities. In 2012, he founded the Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics of Uzbekistan. Winner of the 2010 TWAS and ICAC awards for outstanding contributions to cotton genomics and biotechnology. In 2017–2022, he served as Minister of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 2022, he was awarded the title of Silk Road Friendship Ambassador of the China International Cultural Exchange Center (CICEC) and Global People magazine. In 2023, he was appointed as the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and the World Academy of Sciences. He is the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan from October 2023.
Alisher Shukurov
Deputy Minister of Agriculture – Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Alisher Shukurov, Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of IAU is also the Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He graduated from University of Greifswald (Masters in Ecology). He used to be the Assistant at the FAO Representative in Uzbekistan. Mr. Shukurov was Leading Specialist-Chief Expert in the governmental departments responsible for Forestry, Agriculture and Water Resources.

Eshmirza Abdualimov
Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Eshmirza Abdualimov, Adviser to the Minister on improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, ensuring compliance with the laws on the state language. In 1979 he graduated Tashkent Institute of Highways, Leningrad High Party School (1990), Tashkent State Agrarian University (2008). In 2017-2018 – Head of the Department of Personnel and Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Department of Personnel and Educational Institutions, Head of the Department of Personnel and Higher Education Institutions.In 2018-2019 – Head of the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.In 2019-2020 – Head of the Department of Personnel and Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He is an advisor to the Minister on improving the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, ensuring compliance with the documents of the law on the state language.
Peter Mc.Caffery
Vice Chancellor of the Royal Agricultural University (Great Britain)
Professor Peter McCaffery, Vice Chancellor of the Royal Agricultural University (Great Britain), has over thirty-five years leadership, management, teaching and research experience across a range of institutions from Further Education Colleges to USA Ivy League University, including as Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive at the University of Cumbria and Deputy Vice Chancellor at London Metropolitan University.
Awarded a PhD by the London School of Economics, he was an Idlewild Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania where he pioneered new modes of inquiry into political corruption in the American city.
A Winston Churchill Fellow and a UUK nominee to the Cabinet Office Top Management Programme Peter has acted as a consultant for a variety of bodies including the British Council, the governments of Botswana and Jamaica and the Centre for HE, Germany.
Awarded a National Leadership Fellowship by the Leadership Foundation for HE, he pioneered a Wider Management Mentoring Programme at London South Bank University for the university’s BME managers in partnership with the public and private sector, and led the equality and diversity team whose work was showcased by the Higher Education Funding Council (HEFCE)\ in their Sustaining Excellence in HE Review.
Peter is also the UK editor, author and collaborator for the Epigeum (Oxford University Press) project that pioneered the first world class, online programme with global reach on university leadership and management development, derivative of his: The HE Manager’s Handbook: Effective Leadership and Management in Universities and Colleges (Routledge, 2018).

Murtaza Rakhmatov
Chairman of the Association of Cotton and Textile Clusters in Uzbekistan
By government decree, Rakhmatov Murtaza Akhmedovich was elected as a chairman of the Association of Cotton and Textile Clusters of Uzbekistan. In 1980, he graduated from the Tashkent Institute of National Economy, and in 1989 from the St. Petersburg branch of the Financial University with a degree in economics. Currently, he is a senator of the Oliy Majlis and the founder of Tashkent Cotton Textile Cluster LLC.
Robiya Ibragimova
CEO of “RS Success Agro” LLC
Ibragimova Robiya Shavkatovna, As the General Director RS Success Agro, Robiya Ibragimova have had the privilege of leading a team of dedicated professionals committed to excellence and innovation in the agricultural sector. She focuses on modernizing agricultural practices through the adoption of digital tools, enhancing efficiency and sustainability in Uzbekistan’s agrarian landscape. Robiya Shavkatovna leads the integration of innovative technologies in the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan. Robiya Shavkatovna Ibragimova spearheads initiatives to leverage cutting-edge technologies such as precision agriculture, drones, and IoT devices to revolutionize farming methods and boost productivity across Uzbekistan’s agricultural sector.

Alan P. France
International Education Expert (United Kingdom)
Alan is the member of the IAU board. Alan was appointed as 1st Deputy Rector of the University of Westminster to lead the development of Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT). Before joining the University of Westminster Alan was Dean of the Lancashire Business School for 11+ years and as a Senior Business consultant to major corporations on the development and implementation of Technological change. As Dean he was responsible for a range of International Education Capacity building projects in Poland, Ukraine, Ethiopia, South Africa, China and oversaw the Internationalisation of the Business School. His first foray into international education was in 1984 when he established a network of Business Schools in the N.E. UK, Southern Germany, South East France and North Italy Alan teaches Business Strategy and his research interests are in the area of TransNational Education with a focus on Governance, Regulation and Reputation of TNE institutions vis a vis, Home institutions. He was awarded an O.B.E. by the Queen in 2011 for services to UK Higher Education in an International Context.
He studied in the University of Liverpool, MBA, Business Administration and Management, General, 1974 – 1976; And University of Leeds, PG Cert in Teaching, Higher Education, 1978 – 1979; and later at HEC Paris, ITP, Management Development – ITP International Teachers Programme, 1985-1985.
Munira Aminova
Acting Rector of the International Agricultural University – Secretary of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Munira Aminova is newly appointed Rector of International Agriculture University. She has a long-standing career as an academic. She worked in the European, UK and the US universities for the last 19 years. The last 14 years she lived in Belgium and worked at the Vrije Universiteit Belgium in different capacities. She was a Dean of a business school with 3 branches in Brussels, Luxembourg and Shanghai.
Munira Aminova holds a PhD from Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Political Sciences (2011). She also holds an MBA in Public Service from University of Birmingham (UK).
Beyond her academic career, she is a leading expert in entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as public administration, governance and civil service. She has also continuously advised a wide range of international organizations, such as the United Nations, UNDP, USAID, ZEF, IWMI and others. Since 2018 Munira Aminova has been working together with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in a capacity of Regional Consultant. Munira Aminova is also an expert evaluator for the EU projects Erasmus+ and Horizon2020.