Visit of the French delegation to the IAU

On March 2, 2023, a meeting of IAU employees and a delegation from the French Republic representing one of the leading consulting companies Intrco Nouvelle Aquitaine took place at the International Agriculture University. An International Economic Cooperation Agency of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region work alongside companies and institutions to facilitate their expansion abroad.
The company take care of all aspects of their customers international development from identifying their needs to the realization of the project in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region.
Interco is at side of their customers every step of the way: from participation in international fairs, assembling of conferences or congresses, organizations of technical visits, B-to-B appointment programs, as well as support on site.
During the visit to the IAU, IAU staff members and Interco representatives exchange of views on the possibilities of interaction and cooperation between the International Agricultural University and Intrco Nouvelle Aquitaine.
The guests were shown a new, modern campus of the University, and also had a short meeting with the teachers of the University. The guests were told about the history of the university, its capabilities, courses offered as well as training programs. The guests expressed their sincere admiration.
At the end of the visit, the French delegation signed a Book of Honored Guests of the University. The parties agreed on further cooperation. The visit was held in a friendly and businesslike atmosphere.