Why we create IAU Careers Services

The 2020–2030 Roadmap Strategy for the Development of Uzbekistan’s Agriculture identified nine strategic priorities (rearranged here):

  1. Decreased role of government with corresponding increased investment attractiveness.
  2. Diversification of government spending in support of agriculture.
  3. Dependence on a reliable system of industry statistics.
  4. Development of modern public administration systems.
  5. Creation of a favorable agribusiness climate and value chains by assisting farmers and Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) agribusinesses to become more productive and profitable, a competitive market and export-oriented agri-food sector will prosper.
  6. Reforms in agricultural education (including internationalization), extension and research.
  7. Improvements in infrastructure and quality of life in rural areas.
  8. Rational use of natural resources and environmental protection.
  9. Assurance of food security for the population.

As part of this strategy, the International Agriculture University was established. It was set up to better prepare a next generation of agriculture knowledge workers to take advantage of the world experience in agriculture education, research and extension.

The aim of the International Agriculture University is to provide:

  • quality, science-based, practice-oriented higher education;
  • fundamental and applied research;
  • professional development in order to build capacity of Stakeholders in the agri-food industry of Uzbekistan.


These objectives are supported by three distinct pillars of:

  • building human capacity
  • connecting industry with education
  • innovating and transferring technologies to end users.

There are many reasons why English-speaking agriculture university students / graduates should be in demand. Uzbekistan government policies have supported the diversification away from cotton–wheat farming to fruit or vegetable farming and livestock / poultry / fish production. New imported technologies such as intensive orchards, drip and sprinkler irrigation, greenhouses, cold stores, fresh pack and livestock genetics are coming in. Consequently, the share of the Uzbekistan agri-food sector in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is about 28% and growing.

Many foreign investors are entering the Uzbek market and are looking for reliable and well-trained professionals. For example, International Finance Institution (IFI) provides loan portfolio to mostly Uzbekistan SME’s in agriculture and food / fiber processing of $4 billion.

That will be a competitive advantage for IAU students if they can recognize “opportunity knocking at their door”.

In the academic year 2024-2025, the Careers Services Center will begin operating at IAU, which will provide assistance to students and graduates in finding attractive jobs, completing internships and acquiring skills expected by employers in today’s competitive market.