"Fruit gardening: water resources management and business"

AgroWorld Uzbekistan 2023 is taking place in Tashkent on 15-17 March, with more than twenty Dutch companies represented, most of them members of the Dutch national pavilion.
Uzbekistan and the Netherlands have a long tradition and history in agriculture. Agri-food is a priority sector of Uzbek-Dutch cooperation. Together with the government of Uzbekistan, scientific and research institutions and the private sector, supported by international financial institutions, the Netherlands can contribute to the further development of agriculture in Uzbekistan.

Uzbekistan is particularly affected by water scarcity for agriculture due to its geographical location, general depletion of water resources, transboundary water allocation problems and problems with unsustainable use. As this is an issue of strategic importance for Uzbekistan, the Netherlands is ready to share its unique experience in water management. The Netherlands is actively sharing this experience as information for thought and as a tool for solving local water problems. This provides an opportunity to use some of the components of the system in other countries and regions.
In this connection, in the framework of participation in AgroWorld, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands and the Netherlands Fruit Solutions in Uzbekistan consortium with support of the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, International Agricultural University and the World Bank organized a workshop “Fruit gardening: water resources management and business” at the International Agriculture University.

The workshop is designed for interested specialists of Uzbekistan, including decision-makers in the field, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, managers of agricultural enterprises, teachers. The workshop will cover such topics as “Medium- and high-tech fruit production chains in the Netherlands”, “Water management under constraints”, and “Water management in horticulture”.

Name of the presentations
2) Azamat Isayev