Dr Munira Aminov Rector
Munira Aminova is newly appointed Rector of International Agriculture University. She has a long-standing career as an academic. She worked in the European, UK and the US universities for the last 19 years. The last 14 years she lived in Belgium and worked at the Vrije Universiteit Belgium in different capacities. She was a Dean of a business school with 3 branches in Brussels, Luxembourg and Shanghai. Munira Aminova holds a PhD from Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Political Sciences (2011). She also holds an MBA in Public Service from University of Birmingham (UK). Beyond her academic career, she is a leading expert in entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as public administration, governance and civil service. She has also continuously advised a wide range of international organizations, such as the United Nations, UNDP, USAID, ZEF, IWMI and others. Since 2018 Munira Aminova has been working together with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in a capacity of Regional Consultant. Munira Aminova is also an expert evaluator for the EU projects Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020.
International Telecommunication Union – Expert on Digital Entrepreneurship & Innovation ecosystem |
International Telecommunication Union –Digital Ecosystem ExpertProject outcome: “Regional Good Practices: Accelerating innovation, entrepreneurship & digitaltransformation in Arab States” which will be launched @ the Global Innovation Forum 2021 |
International Telecommunication Union – International Consultant Project outcome – final report on: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem in 22 Arab countries, available here. Training program for the Entrepreneurs and Startups of the Arab countries proposed. |
The United Nations – UNDESA – International consultant, NY Main duties: analysed the cases on innovation in public sector, to identify key conditions for their success; to provide a framework for applying similar initiatives in a different context and to recommend a practical approach for policy makers on the diffusion and upscaling of the proposed innovations. |
The European Commission – DEVCO, REA – Erasmus+ Expert, Horizon2020 Expert, Brussels Evaluator of the project proposals. |
The United Nations – UNDESA – International Consultant, NY Developed a Model Code of Conduct for Public Service for CIS region Disseminated and shared knowledge & accumulated best practice to wide audiences The results disseminated in NY UN HQs, in Villahermosa (Mexico) in conference for combatting corruption, & in Seoul (Korea) in UN Public Service Award Forum |
UNDP – International Consultant, Turkmenistan Conducted capacity building and training workshops to high levels civil servants in the field of e-governance Planned, organised and developed a course program in e-governance for the Academy of Civil Service of Turkmenistan |
British Embassy – Researcher Conducted a survey on Corporate Social Responsibility amongst small and medium enterprises of Uzbekistan |
USAID, Bearing Point – National consultant Undertook a survey on Uzbekistan’s accession to WTO and its impact on agriculture |
– Aminova , Halleux, J. (2021). Start-ups and coaches: The emerging new trend. In In S. Van Puyvelde, & C. Buts (Eds.), Critical Contributions To Economics And Beyond: Liber Amicorum Marc Jegers (pp. 74-90). Berlin: Lexxion. Click here to read.
– Aminova, and Marchi, E. (2021) “The Role of Innovation on Start-Up Failure vs. Its Success”, International Journal of Business Ethics and Governance, 4(1), pp. 41-72. doi: 10.51325/ijbeg.v4i1.60. Click here to read.
– Aminova, M., Mareef, S. and Machado, C. (2020) “Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Arab World: the status quo, impediments and the ways forward”, International Journal of Business Ethics and Governance, 3(3), 1-13. doi: 10.51325/ijbeg.v3i3.37. Click here to read.
– Aminova , Alberti A., Senese S. (forthcoming) Innovating Government to implement the Sustainable Development Goals: What Does It Take? UN publications
– Aminova M., Liebert S. (2015) Public Administration, Democratic Governance and Poverty Reduction in Central
– Aminova M., Jegers M., (2014) Are Hofstede’s National Cultures Homogenous? Case of Uzbekistan Economic Development in Central Asia ed. Joachim Ahrens, Herman W. Hoen (Frankfurt, Peter Lang , International Academic Publishers, 2014) 6: 85-99.
– Aminova M., (2011) Comparative analysis of e-Government Strategies of CIS countries, eBook on NISPAcee e-Government Learning Platform
– Aminova , Jegers M., (2011) Informal Structures and Governance Processes in Transition Economies: The case of Uzbekistan, International Journal of Public Administration, 34, 1-12
– Aminova M., Abdullayev A., Water Management in State-Centered Environment: Water Governance Analysis of Uzbekistan, Sustainability 2009, 1(4), 1240-1265
– Aminova, Governance for Human Development and Institutional Efficiency. In Human Development; Editor Danilova-Cross E., UNDP Publications: Tashkent, 2007, Chapter 21.
– Aminova, M. Digital Divide – Widening Gaps Within and Between Economies: Bridging the Digital Divide in Uzbekistan. In Digital Divide and E-Democracy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Editor Celichowski , OSI publications; Budapest, 2003
– Co-authored Accession of Uzbekistan into World Trade Organization and its influence to the agricultural sector, Uzbekistan Economy 2004, 93-98.
– Co-authored: Assessment of Intergovernmental Relations and Local Governance in the Republic of Uzbekistan, USAID Publications; Uzbekistan, 2004